a group of dogs sitting next to each other.
20% Off
New Dog
Boarding Clients!
Valid 01/01/24 thru 02/28/24
Logo of fon jon pet care featuring a brown cartoon dog with a green tennis ball and text highlighting 70 years of pet care services in san diego.

Category: dog grooming

A small brown dog with a dirty muzzle looking directly at the camera.

Living With Pets: How to Keep Your House Clean

How to Keep Your House Clean With Pets Raising your pet in your home can be such a fun experience, and create a loving environment for…

animal care

Flea Patrol Season

It’s been a rough flea season for both dogs and cats.  Right around this time a year, we get those flea issues under control.  But…

Valid 01/01/24 thru 02/28/24

Don’t Miss Out on our New Specials!

20% OFF

new dog boarding clients

A small brown and white dog sitting on a white background.

50% OFF

new cat boarding clients

A tabby cat waving its paw in the air.

20% OFF

new dog daycare on first package purchased

Two dogs sitting next to each other on a white background.

50% Off For New Cat Boarding Clients!

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20% Off For New Dog Boarding Clients!

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