a group of dogs sitting next to each other.
20% Off
New Dog
Boarding Clients!
Valid 01/01/24 thru 02/28/24
Logo of fon jon pet care featuring a brown cartoon dog with a green tennis ball and text highlighting 70 years of pet care services in san diego.

Category: dog daycare

Options for Pet Boarding

Whether you travel the world, attend business conferences across the country, or fly to see your relatives or friends, we all spend time away from…

A brown dog digging a hole by a fence.

Tips on Preventing Your Dog from Escaping Your Yard

There are multiple reasons your dog may be escaping your yard. Whether their escape tactics are born out of sexual desire, social frustration, or just…

new baby and pet

New Babies and Existing Pets: How to Manage Introductions

Expecting parents may have many questions about how their dog will respond to a new baby. Will the dog react with jealousy? Will he or…

sad looking dog anxiety

Recognizing Anxiety in Dogs

Dogs are happy creatures by nature. In most cases, it is readily apparent when your dog is feeling sad or overwhelmed. What happens when your…

Four pets alongside a variety of vegetables and a cooking pot, with one wearing a chef's hat.

Five Dog Treats to Avoid (and Their Alternatives)

As a dog owner, you know that dogs will eat practically anything, but should they? There are plenty of items that are well-known to be…

Two dogs playfully tugging on a toy outdoors.

The Benefits of Doggy Daycare

Being alone during the day is difficult on a dog. These pack animals require constant attention in order to be happy. They also need regular…

pet hotel pros

Pet Hotels vs. Pet Sitters: What’s Best for Your Dog?

Your vacation is looming and you need a place for your beloved pet. You could call a pet sitter to come to your home or…

A curious tan dog looking up at the camera with its mouth slightly open.

Vince’s Daycamp Corner

Just a quick check in this week! I’m sure you’re all wondering just how my baby Cam is doing, well, she’s still missing the adorable…

Valid 01/01/24 thru 02/28/24

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A small brown and white dog sitting on a white background.

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A tabby cat waving its paw in the air.

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Two dogs sitting next to each other on a white background.

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20% Off For New Dog Boarding Clients!

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